Dolphin Black Oxide 3.5L

Dolphin Black Oxide 3.5L

Category: Paint Products


Dolphin Brand Red / Black Oxide Primer is an alkyd-based rust inhibitive primer for priming on iron and steel. It is used on iron and steel surfaces under non-immersion conditions. ~Available in 3.5L ~Colour: Red or Black ''General Purpose Solvent Thinner'' Directions for use In any painting job, whether on new or previously painted surfaces, ensure that surfaces are dry and free from dirt, grease, and other contaminate. The paint comes ready to use. However, if necessary then thinned with ''General Purpose Solvent Thinner'' Dolphin Brand Red / Black Oxide Primer ialah sejenis cat minyak pengecah karat undercoat untuk besi. Cara Menggunakan Bagi Permukaan yang baru atau pernah dicat. Pastikan permukaan itu telah kering dan bersih daripada habuk, karat dan minyak. Cat ini sedia untuk digunakan. Jika perlu, cairkan dengan pencair

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